Title Nerds is a presentation of Riker Danzig LLP, a full-service law firm that has served the business community for over 140 years. With offices in Morristown, Trenton, and Midtown Manhattan, Riker Danzig has been described by Chambers USA: Leading Lawyers for Business as a “go-to firm in the title insurance space,” providing title insurance companies and their insured lenders and property owners representation in litigations, coverage investigations, and general advice in resolving title disputes. Since Riker Danzig’s title insurance attorneys have been exposed to virtually every imaginable type of title dispute, Title Nerds will explore the intricacies of issues they have addressed throughout their many years of experience. Partners Mike O’Donnell and Bethany Abele are the moderators. Visit Riker Danzig at riker.com, where you can sign up for the firm’s Banking, Title Insurance and Real Estate Litigation Blog.